Kamis, 18 Juni 2015

Alessandro Volta (18 February 1745 – 5 March 1827)

Alessandro Volta
Alessandro Volta
Scientist Alessandro Volta was born in Como, Italy, into a noble family. Alessandro Volta was the inventor of the voltaic pile, the first electric battery. In 1775 he invented the electroplates, a device that, once electrically charged by having been rubbed, could transfer charge to other objects.

Between 1776 and 1778, Volta discovered and isolated methane gas.  When Luigi Galvani’s experiments with ‘animal electricity’ were published (1791), Volta began experiments that led him to theorize that animal tissue was not necessary for conduction of electricity. Proof of this theory was the battery, which Volta invented in 1800. He built in 1800 the first electrical pile, or battery – a series of metal disks of two kinds, separated by cardboard disks soaked with acid of salt solutions. This is the basis of all modern wet-cell batteries, and it was a tremendously important scientific discovery, because it was the method found for the generation of a sustained electrical current. Volta built different piles using thirty, forty or sixty elements. This enabled him to study the action of the pile on the electric fluid, depending on the number of elements, and he confirmed that the electric shock increased in intensity with the number of elements used in the pile. If more than twenty elements were used, it became painful. The first piles constructed by Volta comprised alternating zinc and copper discs. Each was separated from its neighbor by a piece of cloth or card dampened by an acid solution. The column was supported by three vertical glass rods.

Alessandro Volta Photos
Alessandro Volta Photos
However, regarding Galvani’s biological experiments, Volta effectively rejected the idea of an ‘animal electric fuid’. The Galvani vs. Volta debate was one of the most interesting episodes in the history of science, and was devoid of personal animosity, because Galvani and Volta were both gentleman and friends, and also had high scientific principles. In fact, Volta, who generously coined the term galvanism, wrote that Galvani’s work “contained one of the most beautiful and most surprising discoveries.” Upon demonstrating the workings of the voltaic pile to the French Academy of Science, he was made into a count of Lombardy by Napoleon Bonaparte, he was made into a count of Lombardy by Napoleon Bonaparte, who had dominated that part of Italy.

The emperor of Austria made him director of the philosophical faculty at the University of Padua in 1815, 12 years before the day he was to die. The Volt as we hear today, was named after Alessandro Volta in 1881 in honour and memory of him.

Alessandro Volta Images
Alessandro Volta Images
Alessandro Volta Pictures
Alessandro Volta Pictures
Alessandro Volta's  Inventions Photos
Alessandro Volta's  Inventions Photos
Alessandro Volta Photos
Alessandro Volta Photos
Scientist Alessandro Volta Photo
Scientist Alessandro Volta Photo
Scientist Alessandro Volta's Inventions
Scientist Alessandro Volta's Inventions

Minggu, 10 Mei 2015

Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek (24th Oct.1632–26th Aug.1723)

Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek Images
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 
Leeuwenhoek ( 1632-1723 ) first encountered magnifying glasses when he was sixteen. He was working in Amsterdam as an apprentice and bookkeeper to a Scottish textile merchant, where magnifying glasses were used to count thread densities for quality control purposes. He is commonly known as “the father of Microbiology” and considered as the first microbiologist.

In April 1673 he reported his first observations – Bee mouthparts and stings, a human louse and a fungus – to the Royal Society, which was published in philosophical Transactions. He was elected a member of the Royal Society in 1680 and continued his associations, writing hundreds of letters to the Society during his lifetime.

Experiments on pepper, to discover if its heat was caused by spikes, caused him to put peppercorns in water and let them soften for three weeks. On 24 April 1676 he observed the water and was surprised to see tiny organisms; the first bacteria observed by man.

Antonie Van Lee Inventions
Antonie's Inventions
Leeuwenhoek’s letter announcing this discovery caused such doubt at the Royal Society that he had to enlish an English vicar, as well as jurists and doctors, to confirm that his report was based on true observations. Robert Hooke later repeated the experiment and was able to confirm his discoveries.

As well as being the father of microbiology, Leeuwenhoek laid the foundations of the plant anatomy and became an expert on animal reproduction. He also discovered sperm, blood cells and microscopic nematodes, and studied the structure of wood and crystals. He developed a way to grind powerful lenses, and made over 400 microscopes to view specific objects, only nine of which survive today.

Antonie Van Lee Photos
Antonie Van Lee Photos
His attention was then drawn to spermatozoa in the semen of a man suffering from venereal disease; his student thought that it was a symptom of corruption. Leeuwenhoek was already aware of spermatozoa, and knew it was normal. After an experiment he ‘performed without defiling’ himself he reported the findings to the Royal society in November 1677, requesting them not to publish the letter, believing it would lead to disgust or scandal. They published anyway. He considered this discovery to be one of the most important in his career. Over the next forty years he examined and described the spermatozoa from molluscs, fish, amphibians, birds and mammals, coming to the novel conclusion that fertilization occurred when the spermatozoa penetrated the egg. 

Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek doing Invention Photo
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek doing Invention Photo 
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek Pictures
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek Pictures
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek Thoughts
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek Thoughts
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek with Inventions
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek with Inventions
Information about  Microscope by Leeuwenhock
Information about  Microscope by Leeuwenhock
Microscope made by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
Microscope made by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
Replica of microscope by Leeuwenhoek
Replica of microscope by Leeuwenhoek
Scientitst Antonie Van's Inventions
Scientitst Antonie Van's Inventions

Rabu, 22 April 2015

Antoine Henri Becquerel (15 Dec.1852 – 25 Aug.1908)

Antoine Henri Becquerel
Antoine Henri Becquerel
Antoine Henri Becquerel was born in one of the world’s most beautiful city, Paris, On December 15, 1852. His father, Alexandre Edmond Becquerel (1820-91), his grandfather, Antoine Cesar Becquerel (1788-1878) and his son Jean Becquerel (1878-1953) too, were all scientists. Thus, Henri was born in a well-educated and cultured family of scientists. After his early schooling at the Lycee Louis-Le-Grand, Henri received his formal scientific education at the Ecole Polytechnique (1872-74) and had engineering training at the Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees (Bridges and Highways School 1874-77).

In addition to his teaching and research posts, Becquerel worked as an engineer in the Department of Bridges and Highways for many years, being appointed chief engineer in 1894. He took up his first academic position in 1876 as assistant teacher at the Ecole Polytechnique, where in 1895 he succeeded to the chair of physics. Concurrently, he was assistant naturalist to his father at the museum, where he also assumed the physics professorship upon his father’s death. Becquerel studied the effects of radioactivity and radioactive decay. In this study he found that when ultraviolet light fall on the material, it tries to absorb the radiation energy. Due to this, electromagnetic radiations are emitted. The material radiates if it is in an excited state with the help of electromagnetic radiations of if it is made up of highly charged and energized particles. Till the energy to radiate is present in an object, the event or phenomenon is visible. This is known as phosphorescence. When the object stops radiating light it gets into a state called radioactive delay when there is no radiation visible.

Antoine Henri Becquerel Photo
Antoine Henri Becquerel Photo
Becquerel then concerned himself with infrared radiation, examining, among other things, the spectra of different phosphorescent crystals under infrared stimulation. He extended the work of his father by studying the relation between absorption of light and phosphorescence in some uranium compounds. In 1891, his father Alexandre died and in his place Henri Becquerel was appointed. He extended the research in the field. He used the sun as the sole energy source. He never had any sophisticated or costly instruments for his research. Some salt crystals of uranium, or a some photographic plates and the never ending source of light – the sun was all he had. Becquerel would store photographic plates from light in his drawer wrapped in a thick black paper. One day, when it was unusually cloudy with no sight of the sun, he wrapped a small specimen of the element in the black paper around the photographic plate which was unexposed, and left for home. Next day he returned to check the plates. Becquerel wondered whether some unknown rays like X-rays discovered by Roentgen earlier, had left behind their traces on the photographic plates. He studied the plates and after developing then found the traces. He came to a conclusion that uranium and potassium sulphate have some kind of radioactive substance that leave behind traces on a photographic plate.

Henri Becquerel's Lab
Henri Becquerel's Lab
Becquerel rechecked his experimental results and finally arrived at the conclusion that uranium salts constantly radiate some rays which effect photographic plates. This was indeed a new and wonderful discovery. Exactly after one year after the discovery of the famous X-rays, Becquerel announced this discovery. Becquerel’s co-researchers termed them as Becquerel rays. In 1898, Madam Curie renamed these radiations as radioactive rays and the corresponding activity as radioactivity. Radioactive rays consist of (positively charged) Alpha particles, (negatively) beta particles and uncharged gamma rays.
Other scientists were drawn to studies of radiation phenomenon due to Becquerel’s researches. His contemporaries Pierre and Marrie Curie achieved remarkable success in the field. They discovered new radioactive elements thorium, polonium and radium, which was several times more radioactive than uranium.

In 1903, Henri Becquerel shared the Nobel Prize for Physics with Pierre and Marie Curie. The last decade of the nineteenth century saw many important discoveries. Further research was carried out after the discovery of Becquerel rays. In 1897, Sir Joseph John Thomson analysed the radioactive rays and discovered negatively charged beta particles. Thereafter, Ernest Rutherford and other scientists studied alpha particles and proved that they are positively charged. Paul Villard discovered gamma rays which are electromagnetic radiations of very short wavelength and have maximum penetrating power among alpha, beta and gamma rays.

Henri Becquerel Images
Henri Becquerel Images
This great scientist died at the age of 56 on August 25, 1908, at Le Croisic, France. His discovery of radioactivity has been of vital importance and utility to us, even today. Radioactive isotopes have many applications. Geo-physicists in particular, have found multipurpose utility of it. With the help of isotopes, they can determine the age of earth, rocks, mountains and oceans. Apart from this, important and useful information about comets, moon rocks and rocks from Mars and other planets can be obtained. They can determine the precise age of the rocks. The physical Research Laboratory based at Ahmadabad, has developed the facility to determine the exact age of any sample including the age of archaeological specimen. It has been developed as a national facilitation centre. One can send any sample to this centre to know its exact age. In times of peace, such radiations are used to develop new methods for the benefit of industries, medical sciences and agriculture.

Antoine Henri Becquerel Pictures
Antoine Henri Becquerel Pictures
Antoine Henri Becquerel's Family
Antoine Henri Becquerel's Family

Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

Thomas Alva Edison ( 11th Feb 1847 - 18 Oct 1931 )

Scientist Thomas Alva Edison
The great scientist who invented the electric light bulb and many other important devices – Thomas Alva Edison, was born on February 11, 1847, at Milan, Ohio, in the United State of America. He came from a poor family. His parents admitted him to the local primary school. This inquisitive child always posed questions to his teachers. But his teachers instead of providing him with answers considered him stupid and rejected him. Finally, his self-respecting mother stopped his schooling and took upon herself the task of teaching him. Coupled with this, Edison loved to experiment. He would experiment with any object he could lay his hands on.

After getting permission from his father, at the age of 12, Edison started selling newspapers in trains. He would travel the 96 km distance from Huron port to Michigan City and sell newspapers. He liked his work, besides it brought him money. In 1869, he purchased a printing press. In a railway compartment he would print his journal Grand Trunk Herald. Most of the contest was written by him. He would also perform experiments during his spare time. During one such experiment, phosphorus fell on the floor and the compartment got engulfed in the fire. The rail guard arrived and threw out all the contents of his laboratory. The enraged guard slapped Edison due to which he was left short of hearing in one ear.
Scientist Thomas Edison
Scientist Thomas Edison
It seemed as if the world had come to an end. But Edison didn’t admit defeat and give up. It came as a blessing in disguise. Now he started selling newspapers at the station itself. He gradually got interested in electricity. His experience with engines and railroad repair shops turned his thoughts towards machines and inventions. One bright morning Edison was talking to the telegraph operator Mackenzie, whose little son Jimmie was playing at the station. In the middle of the conversation, Edison saw the little baby crawling along the stony track, in front of a small box-car. Edison realized the danger and rushed towards the child. He seized the child and jumped to safety, but the car struck him on the legs and ear. It was the second blow on his ear. As a reward for the brave deed, Mackenzie offered to teach Edison telegraphy and promised him a job on the line. A thrilled Edison grabbed the opportunity. He was lucky to have an offer for a paid job at the Port Huron telegraph office and at a station in Canada, on the Grand Trunk Railway. Every hour he had to send ‘signal six’ which proved that the operator was awake. The signal came through from Edison’s station exactly at the correct time. But attempts to get him over his own phone frequently failed. One night an official came to check and found Edison fast asleep. Beside him was a mechanism connecting the telegraph with the clock and when the clock struck the hour, the small machine sent the signal over the wire. He was fired. After work hours, he used his time to develop a ‘Vote Recorder’ which worked on electricity.

Thomas Edison Images
Thomas Edison Images
After a few days, he decided to move to New York for the better opportunities. But life was not easy. Finding a job was difficult. While searching for a job, he landed up at a company office, which sold information to its clients about stock exchange rates through its machines. One of their machines, ‘Gold Indicator’ had broken down. Edison checked the machine and repaired it in minutes. The manager was pleased and immediately offered him a job besides rewarding him for his repair work. With this money he started a workshop in New Jersey. In association with another engineer, he developed a telegraphic equipment which fetched him a good price.

In 1876, he went to Menlow Park and improved upon the telephone invented by Alexander Graham Bell, by providing better sound quality by inventing carbon granule microphone. He also went on to invent a talking machine called the Phonograph. This machine could reproduce the pre-recorded sounds on a steel disc revolving on it. A German scientist improved the machine and made the gramophone in 1887. Edison gained quite a bit of reputation with his phonograph. But the height of his popularity came with the invention of the electric light bulb. In 1879, with the help of 30 assistants, he organized a public demonstration. He had covered a part of Menlow Park with electric light bulbs. The spectators were taken aback when he switched on the bulbs. The next morning the New York Herald published the news of this wonderful invention and Thomas Alva Edison became a famous man.
Thomas Childhood Photo
Within two years he again surprised the world with yet another spectacular invention. This time it was the kinetograph, a kind of movie camera. He even created a machine that could project visuals on a screen, which he called Kinetoscope. He connected the phonograph with it and projected audio-visual images on the screen.
This genius had 1069 patents to his credit. He had noted down the intricacies of his inventions in about 3500 notebooks. It is most surprising that this scientist was not awarded a Nobel Prize for his inventions, though he is considered as the greatest inventor of all times. In 1914, at the age of 67, Edison expressed his gratitude towards his nation by gifting the American Army with about 40 useful inventions.

On October 18, 1931, Edison died at the age of 84. He was buried at West Orange in New Jersey. This great inventor was honoured across America when electric light bulbs across the nation dimmed for a minute. He had worked his way up with great difficulty. He believed that his success was 1 % inspiration and 99% perspiration. We are grateful to this self-made man who made this world a better place with hard work and perseverance, aided with extraordinary genius.

Famous Scientist Thomas Edison Images
Famous Scientist Thomas Edison Images
Great Scientist Thomas Edison Images
Great Scientist Thomas Edison Images
Great Scientist Thomas Edison Photo
Great Scientist Thomas Edison Photo
Scientist Thomas Alva Edison Photo
Scientist Thomas Alva Edison Photo
Scientist Thomas Edison Photo
Scientist Thomas Edison Photo
Scientist Thomas Edison Pictures
Scientist Thomas Edison Pictures
Thomas Alva Edison Photo
Thomas Alva Edison Photo
Thomas Alva Edison's Family
Thomas Alva Edison's Family
Thomas Alva Edison's Inventions
Thomas Alva Edison's Inventions
Thomas Alva Edison
Thomas Alva Edison
Thomas Edison Snapshot
Thomas Edison Snapshot
Thomas Edison's Photo
Thomas Edison's Quote
Thomas Edison's Quote
Thomas Edison's Young Photo
Thomas Edison's Young Photo
Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison

Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

James Clerk Maxwell (13 June 1831- 5 November 1879)

James Clerk Maxwell
James Clerk Maxwell
The pioneer of electromagnetism and contributor to the kinetic theory of gases James Clerk Maxwell, was born on November 13, 1831 at Edinburgh, Scotland. He was from a rich, famous and landowning family. This family had many a famous and promising personalities who brought laurels and honour to it. James spent his childhood in the rural areas. His father had studied law but never practiced. He was interested in educating his son and maintaining the family property. Little James had the hobby of dismantling mechanical toys and understanding their mechanism carefully. He would open up newly acquired toys and fix them again. He had a very curious and sharp mind.

He lost his mother when he was 9 years. His father took up the twin responsibilities of a mother and father in bringing up James then. At ten, James was admitted at the Edinburgh Academy. His father brought him specially stitched clothes and shoes. Other students at the academy would laugh and poke fun at him because of his old-fashioned dress. But soon the students began respecting him for his intelligence and knowledge. They found him very moody.

At 16, Maxwell entered the Edinburgh University. His excellence in mathematics astonished everyone. He began experimenting in science. He also wrote poetry, but it was not of high standard. Yet, he continued writing poems all his life.

Young James Maxwell Photo
Young James Maxwell Photo
In 1850, he entered Combridge University for higher studies in mathematics. He topped at the all examinations in mathematics. Mathematics competition was held every year for clever students. To ensure success at the examinations, he was put under William Hopkins’ guidance. Maxwell stood second at the examinations. In 1854, Maxwell graduated from college in mathematics. For higher studies, he joined the Trinity College, Cambridge. Here he conducted many experiments on colors and their mixtures. He created a colorful top indication primary colours – red, green and blue and other colours by mixing them in proper proportions. He even published a paper on this. The colours we see on our Television sets are based on the principles put forth by Maxwell. He was awarded the Rumsford Medal for this.

Around this time, his father was not keeping well. He planned to go to his father and take his care, returning from Edinburgh. Meanwhile, he got appointed as a professor at Marischal College, Aberdeen. But before he could join the college, his dear father died. After some time, he met the daughter of the college principal and soon married her. Now, Maxwell focused his attention on research and experimentation. He had researched on the rings of Saturn and had developed certain mathematical equations with reference to them. Even today, scientists follow the mathematical model he had developed then.

The researches and findings of Maxwell in the fields of electricity and magnetism are considered to be path breaking and original. Maxwell was inspired and influenced by Michael Faraday’s electromagnetic theory. He arrived at the principles of electromagnetic theory. He arrived at the principles of electromagnetic lines of force always exist in a closed circuit and are circular in form without and end.

James Maxwell Photos
James Maxwell Photos
Changes in the magnetic field create an electric field and changes in the electric field create a magnetic field. This way, magnetic field model was crystallised in Maxwell’s mind. Earlier, Faraday had used the terms, lines of force and tube of force. He explained the changes taking place when a magnet is placed close to it. Maxwell went a step further to develop Faraday’s ideas and put forward the unified theory of electromagnetism. Much later, his prediction of electromagnetic waves was verified by Heinrich Hertz.

To study further on electromagnetic forces and magnetic force fields, he left his job for a short time and proceeded to stay at his estate in Glinar. He wrote many books on heat, mathematics, color vision and physical sciences. During this period, he came close to his neighbors and socialized with them. He would even play with children from the neighborhood.

James Clerk Maxwell Photo
Maxwell also did monumental work in developing the kinetic theory of gases. He, together with his wife, conducted some experimental work on viscosity of gases.
Under pressure from the public, the Cambridge University decided to create a post of professor in the experimental physical sciences department to teach heat, electricity and magnetism. The Duke of Devonshire, Chancellor of the University, who was directly related to Henry Cavendish, provided necessary funds for establishing Canvendish Laboratory. Maxwell was requested to head the new laboratory. Maxwell was to direct research activities was also empowered to buy new equipment for the laboratory.

Over and above the activities mentioned earlier, he would also write on diverse subjects. He would edit the writings of Henry Cavendish to ensure that the general public would be informed of his works. This way he would keep himself busy. He dedicated his life to science in this manner.

During the last two years of his life, he took care of ailing wife. He was also aware that he was suffering from cancer, but did not let anyone know about it. Finally, on November 5, 1879 he died at the age of 48. World was  unfortunately denied further benefits of researches and experiments of this esteemed scientist. Ten years later, Hertz invented the radio transmitter and receiver, thus validating the mathematical theory of Maxwell.

Maxwell’s electromagnetic radiation theory played an important role in the understanding and making of Randar and microwaves. In reality Maxwell’s theory contributed in clearly understanding the propagation of heat and light waves, radio waves, X-rays, gamma rays or any other type of electromagnetic radiation.

James and his Wife Katherine Maxwell  Photo
James and his Wife Katherine Maxwell  Photo

James Clerk Maxwell's Invention
James Clerk Maxwell's Invention

James Maxwell Photos

James Maxwell's College Photo, University of Edinburgh
James Maxwell's College Photo, University of Edinburgh

James Maxwell's School Photo, Edinburgh Academy
James Maxwell's School Photo, Edinburgh Academy

Monument of Scientists James Clerk Maxwell
Monument of Scientists James Clerk Maxwell

Scientist James  Maxwell's Invention
Scientist James  Maxwell's Invention

Scientist James Clerk Maxwell's Invention
Scientist James Clerk Maxwell's Invention

Scientist James Clerk Maxwell's Quotes
Scientist James Clerk Maxwell's Quotes